Our organs are vital and alive. They provide us with our sense of self, full-bodiedness, and organic authenticity. Organs are the primary habitats or natural environments of our emotions, aspirations, and the memories of our inner reactions to our personal histories. They support our tone and our feelings, and give volume to our movement.
This video presents key Body-Mind Centering® principles that bring ease, flexibility, and strength by embodying the organ system through movement and consciousness.
These principles can be applied to yoga, dance, bodywork, somatic psychology, and other somatic movement practices.
Embodying the organ system with sections on: explorations of the organs; releasing adhesions between organs; initiating breath, voice, movement and touch from the organs; analyzing imbalances in individual organs; techniques to balance the organs; and the embryological development of the organs.
DVD Set • Five discs; 7 hours 50 minutes
Streaming Video • 7 hours 50 minutes; English subtitles