We are excited to announce new School for Body-Mind Centering® programs in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Rhode Island, US!
Centro de Investigación y Estudios Corporales (CIEC) in Buenos Aires and Sonder in Rhode Island, join the current licensed training organizations around the world.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Centro de Investigación y Estudios Corporales (CIEC) is happy to announce the first School for Body-Mind Centering® certification program in Argentina: The Infant Development Movement Education (IDME) Program starts in Buenos Aires on January 15th, 2019.
The four developmental courses – Senses and Perception 1, Basic Neurocellular Patterns (BNP), Primitive Reflexes, Righting Reactions and Equilibrium Responses (RRR), and Ontogenetic Development – will be offered in two modules in 2019 and are open to students who want to complete the whole IDME program, as well as students interested in individual courses or a later progression into the Somatic Movement Education program.
The two Infant Developmental Movement Education application modules will be offered in January 2020 and January 2021 with certification for those who have fulfilled all requirements.

Silvia Mamana created CIEC in 1995 to promote and investigate somatic education practices, mainly focusing on two approaches: Body-Mind Centering® and Esferokinesis® (an approach and certification program created and developed by Silvia Mamana herself.)
CIEC as an institution has its main goal in training teachers and facilitators to support the learning process that each individual makes through conscious movement. For more than 20 years now we have been offering programs and courses to art, education and health care professionals seeking for new resources to complement and enrich their professional work.
The Buenos Aires IDME Program will be directed by a team: Walburga Glatz (Educational and Program Director) is an experienced BMC® Teacher and Program Director of the licensed BMC® Programs in Spain and Slovakia. Silvia Mamana (Administrative Director) is a BMC® Teacher, Feldenkrais® Practitioner, and director of CIEC.
The faculty will be chosen to provide expertise as well as variation in teaching styles and will include international Certified Body-Mind Centering® Teachers with experience in teaching and applying the work in various fields, especially to the facilitation of infants.

The program will be taught in Spanish and English with consecutive translation into the respective other language. With this program we aim at supporting the existing BMC® community in South America, and in collaboration with the other South American licensed BMC® programs to build and enlarge the renownedness of somatic practices in general, and Body-Mind Centering® specifically.
We hope that this first Infant Developmental Movement Education program taught in Spanish in South America will not only interest people from Argentina, but be attractive for students from other Spanish speaking countries of Latin America. And of course we welcome the international community to join us as students and assistants!
Both Silvia Mamana and Walburga Glatz have been teaching introductory workshops of the developmental material in various countries in South America. From the resonance, we are sure that Body-Ming Centering’s unique approach will be very well received by health professionals as well as teachers in kindergarten and early education, psychomotricians, psychologists, physical education and dance teachers working with infants, and by parents seeking for new resources to support their children’s health and development.
For more information:
Email: integracionsomatica@gmail.com
Website: www.esferokinesis.com.ar/ciec
Rhode Island, United States

© Sonder Movement Project
Sonder Movement Project is happy to announce the first School for Body-Mind Centering® Somatic Movement Education (SME) Program in Rhode Island, beginning in February 2019.
Amy Matthews collaborated with Theresa Murphy and Christine Harrelson to create Sonder Movement Project, and is the Program and Educational Director for the Somatic Movement Education Program.
Amy is a Certified BMC® Teacher who has directed the Embodied Anatomy & Yoga* and Embodied Developmental Movement & Yoga* programs in NYC, been co-Educational Director at Moving Within in Oregon, and been part of the faculty for SME and IDME programs in Italy, Germany, North Carolina, California and Oregon.

© Amy Matthews
The SME courses will be offered in Cranston, Rhode Island – just south of Providence RI. After 15 years of teaching BMC® based classes and workshops in the New York area, Amy is excited to offer this program in a location close to New York City, and with easy access for people traveling from other locations as well.
The faculty will be Amy Matthews, Mary Lou Seereiter, Bob Lehnberg, Gloria Desideri, Olive Bierienga, Rebecca Haseltine, Walburga Glatz, and Wendy Hambidge.
Many courses in the SME program can be taken individually without commitment to the entire program.
All courses are taught in English.
For more information:
Email sonder@sonderma.com
Website: www.sondermsma.com
*These two yoga programs are no longer offered. However, there are two new Body-Mind Centering® and Yoga Immersion Series.