If fish are sick, we don’t inject the individual fish with anything. We release the barriers causing stagnation of the water, so that it can freely flow, we stop discharging toxins into the water supply, and we provide a natural environment. This article focuses on the movement of our fluids.
Our bodies are composed primarily of fluid. The cells of our tissues live within the interstitial fluid, our internal sea. Transportation of substances is also carried through circulatory channels.
Movement that is free flowing through balanced membranes bathes the tissues. Circulation of fluid through the body is in three basic patterns. One is the passage of nutrients from the plants into the air, passing into our lungs and from there through the blood and interstitial fluid into our cells, where our basic breathing and metabolism occur.
The products of cellular breathing are then released from the cells and flow outward through the interstitial fluid into the blood and lymph circulation back to the lungs, where they are released into the air to nourish the plants.
Through external respiration and the movement of air through our lungs, we participate in the ecological balancing of the atmosphere and earth. Through internal respiration and the movement of fluid through our cells we generate our life force. As we increase our external lung breathing through movement in space, more cells are engaged to support that movement.
As we increase our internal cellular breathing through the internal flow of fluid through our tissues, our lungs become more engaged to support that movement.
The third fluid patterning is the interdependence of all cells. Each cell’s awareness of the cells of its own tissue or tribe, and each group of cells awareness of the activities of all other tissues relies on the information carried through their shared fluid pathways. They are mutually dependent upon the balancing of our whole self — the total ecosystem of us.
We as individuals are equally dependent upon our inner processes, our relationships with others, those immediately around us, family, communities, societies, countries and the earth itself.
Is the source of your movement arising from the effortless flow of fluid through your tissues or is it restricting the internal flow due to hardness, dryness, stagnation, collapse or pressured effort?
The movement of mind through thought, emotion, sensation, feeling, creativity, awareness, and relationship, follow the same pathways as physical movement.
What are the fluid patterns of the movement of your mind?
What is the relationship between the external movement of your body through space, the internal movement through your tissues and the movement of your mind?
How are these patterns manifested in your relationships with others and with the environment?
(photo credit: © angrylambie1)