When we tuck our tail or pull up our abdomen to manipulate ourselves into the form of table, we suppress our gonadal energy (energetic flow through the gonads).
Spatial Relationship of the Pancreas to the Limbs and Solar Plexus
In exploring the embodiment of the endocrine glands, I have found that the pancreas and adrenals create whole-body crystalline forms of movement.
Let Go of the Holding to Find Strength, Freedom, and Ease
We often think of movement and touch as being muscle based however all the body systems play important roles in the support and articulation of our body.
Central Core Stability through Embodying Your Bladder
When we bend forward, many of us are actually shifting our pelvis and center of weight backward, and bend backward by shifting our pelvis and center of weight forward.
Increase Flexibility in Hips, Pelvic Diaphragm Support, and Alignment and Integrity of the Spine
Many of us are holding in our pelvic diaphragm due to being instructed to pull up and tighten our core and/or to tuck our tail.
Relationship between Adrenal Glands and Core Support
We don’t often think of our endocrine glands as offering us support in our alignment and movement. We are usually instructed to make adjustments through our skeletomuscular system.